Do you want to lower your risk for skin cancer? Use sunscreen to protect your skin on a daily basis - It’s really that easy!
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the use of sunscreen reduces your risk for skin cancer by about 40-50%.
You may be wondering who should use sunscreen and when you should use it. The answer is everyone and every day! Even when it’s cloudy outside, up to 80% of the sun’s UV radiation reaches the earth.
Going unprotected on an overcast day can still lead to skin damage.
SPF, which is the “strength” of sunscreen, stands for Sun Protection Factor. This number tells you how long the sun’s rays will take to redden your skin if you apply the sunscreen exactly as directed compared with the amount of time it would take if you wore NO sunscreen.
For example, if you use an SPF 30 product properly, it will take you 30 times longer to burn than if you used no protection. It is recommended that you use products with an SPF 30 or higher.
Still have some sunscreen bottles from last year? Be sure to check the expiration dates before using!
Stop by your local Moose Pharmacy today and ask for help to find the right SPF-containing products for you! We have SPF-containing sunscreen and even SPF-containing face cream for every day wear.
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